Building a loyal fanbase is crucial for long-term success as a content creator. Throne, a wishlist and gifting platform, offers unique opportunities to engage with your audience. Let's explore how you can use Throne to strengthen your connection with fans and grow your community.

Curate an Engaging Wishlist

Throne's core feature is the ability to create wishlists. Use this to your advantage by carefully curating items that reflect your brand and content.


  • Include a mix of affordable and aspirational items
  • Add items related to upcoming content ideas
  • Regularly update your wishlist to keep it fresh
  • Include crowdfunding items so multiple fans can contribute to a gift 

Why it works: A well-curated wishlist gives fans insight into your interests and needs, creating a more personal connection.

Integrate Throne into Your Regular Content

Make Throne a natural part of your content ecosystem.


  • Mention your Throne wishlist during streams or in video descriptions
  • Create content around wishlist items you're saving up for
  • Use Throne to facilitate fan-chosen content ideas
  • Create social media clips for your long-form content that showcased gifting

Why it works: Regular, organic mentions keep the option to support you via Throne top-of-mind for fans.

Showcase Fan Gifts in Your Content

When you receive gifts through Throne, incorporate them into your content!.


  • Create unboxing videos for all the gifts you receive 
  • Use gifted items in your streams or videos
  • Thank gifters by name (If they don’t want to remain anonymous )

Why it works: This acknowledges your fans' contributions and encourages further engagement.

Use Throne for Milestone Celebrations

Tie your Throne wishlist to your content milestones.


  • Create special wishlist items for subscriber milestones
  • Host a "thank you" stream featuring gifts from fans
  • Share stories about how gifts have improved your content

Why it works: This involves your audience in your growth journey, making them feel part of your success.

Leverage Throne's Privacy Features

Emphasize the privacy and security Throne offers to your fans.


  • Educate your audience about Throne's address protection
  • Encourage fans to leave notes with gifts, fostering communication
  • Respect and highlight the option for anonymous gifting

Why it works: Building trust around gifting can make fans more comfortable supporting you.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Why It Matters: Collaborations introduce you to new audiences and can significantly boost your visibility and credibility.


  • Find the Right Partners: Collaborate with creators who share a similar audience but bring a unique perspective or skill.
  • Cross-Promote: Promote each other's content across your respective platforms to maximize reach.
  • Plan Joint Content: Create content that showcases both of your strengths and appeals to both audiences.

Throne Tip: Use Throne's platform to create joint wishlists for collaborative projects. During joint streams or videos, encourage fans from both communities to contribute, creating a shared experience that strengthens both fanbases.

Why it works: Collaborations expand your reach and provide fresh content for your audience, while using Throne adds a tangible, interactive element to the partnership.

All in All

While Throne is primarily a wishlist and gifting platform, creative use of its features can significantly enhance your relationship with your audience. Integrating Throne into your content strategy creates additional touchpoints for fan interaction and support, fostering a stronger, more engaged community around your brand.

Remember, the key is to use Throne in a way that feels authentic to your content and valuable to your audience. Start small, be consistent, and always show appreciation for your fans' support.